Lep El

Lep El lives in Cambodia. He lived a very peaceful and quiet life walking back and forth to work every day and providing for his family. Landmines dotted the area after a previous war. One day as Lep was walking to town, he stepped on one of these landmines. Lep was rushed to the hospital. Unfortunately, the blast had torn apart the tissue in his legs. They were not healing like they needed to and the tissue began to die. An amputation soon followed.
Lep did not want to become a burden on his family because of the amputation. He went to a local clinic and tried to find a leg. These various legs would work for a time, but they soon would either become uncomfortable, would become loose and squeaky, or would just break. After receiving so many legs, he tried to fashion his own prosthesis by using table legs. He then found out about a clinic partnering with Limbs. He went to the clinic and was fitted for a leg and received physical rehab. Now with his new prosthesis, he can go into his retirement with comfort and mobility.
Lep did not want to become a burden on his family because of the amputation. He went to a local clinic and tried to find a leg. These various legs would work for a time, but they soon would either become uncomfortable, would become loose and squeaky, or would just break. After receiving so many legs, he tried to fashion his own prosthesis by using table legs. He then found out about a clinic partnering with Limbs. He went to the clinic and was fitted for a leg and received physical rehab. Now with his new prosthesis, he can go into his retirement with comfort and mobility.